
Working Group with Farmers in Bajo Soga

In Bajo Soga, where agriculture faces challenges due to water scarcity, we have established a working group with 9 organizations and 96 farmers. We provide technical advice and training as part of agreements made jointly.


  • Development of 6 agricultural training courses on fertilization, plant nutrition, agroclimatology, irrigation and integrated pest control. 
  • Improvement of 12,5 kilometers of internal roads using bischofite to control dust and improve products quality.
  • We gave 11 pieces of machinery for agricultural work.
  • Construction of a packing house in Bajo Soga for local packing of fruits and vegetables, improving return on sales and consolidating the town as an outstanding agricultural center in the Great North of Chile.

Activa Traditional Fishermen of Pisagua Program

In 2023, we implemented a program aimed at supporting Traditional Fishermen Labor Union N°1 and N°2 of Pisagua, which focuses on three main areas:

Competitive fund for traditional fishing

Destined for each labor union, with a focus on traditional fishing and productive reconversion of its members.

Vessel renewal fund

A competitive fund was made available for each labor union, so that members can apply to renew their fishing vessels.

Fund for the development of productive programs for labor unions

Creation of a collaboration business that allows each labor union to generate resources to cover its own needs.

Activa Pisagua Program

Designed to change paradigms, attitudes and management behaviors so that entrepreneurs can manage their business activities through workshops and training instances provided by the Tamarugal Business Development Center. 


  • Improving the quality of life for the families of El Tamarugal.
  • The Sercotec Tamarugal Business Center imparted talks and training for entrepreneurs in Pisagua on formalization, implementation of Canvas Model and guidance for applying to the “Activa Pisagua Plan” program.
  • Promoting the development of ventures with high potential for growth.

Bajo Soga Scholarships

Together with Fundacion Factor de Cambio, the company awarded the Higher-Level Student Scholarship to Diego, Valentina, Millaray, Alexis, Lucy and Isabel, young people from the community of Bajo Soga, in regards to the framework of the Working Group that the company maintains with groups in the territory and seeks to positively impact the quality of life for families living in the nearby communities. This incentive seeks to support this communities by providing tools for their development, generating shared social values.